Adaptation Lab


Newly launched in 2022, the Orchard Project Adaptation Lab is a self directed lab for makers of all types to find support on projects in development that look to adapt source material in one form into another.

Our decision to launch an Adaptation Lab in 2022 comes as a result of many conversations with artists about the transitional moment they find themselves in — not only because of existential questions about form and work due to COVID-19, but also as many look to flex new muscles. “Adaptation,” in our minds, is flexible, and can include both looking back at classics or discovering the dramatic form within non-typical texts. The Orchard Project also believes that the dramatic canon is in ongoing rejuvenation, and while many brand new works have emanated out of our various labs, we believe that the interrogation of classic and other recent texts provide a rich foundation for our community to challenge the staid implications of adaptation on the whole. As we have learned by supporting adaptations in all our various labs (Performance, Episodic, 2020 Liveness Lab, Greenhouse, and Audio), the adaptive act includes unique and ripe opportunities for artists to explore processes and questions alongside one another.

Modeled on the successes of our virtual labs in 2020 and 2021, the Adaptation Lab is a cohort-based lab for a number of diverse makers will convene for weekly meetings to iterate through the early stages of resourcing and scoring, reviewing progress, sharing work, and interrogating common questions. One might describe it as a uniquely Orchard Project-ian Writers’ Room, including not just writers in the traditional sense, but makers of all kinds. Outside of these meetings, lab members will be provided with support and resources to iterate through their project in a self directed manner. The Orchard Project will also provide exclusive panel, webinar, and class opportunities specifically for lab members, depending on the unique needs of the cohort. 

In a typical Orchard Project-esque manner, our definition of “adaptation” is fairly open ended, and can include any of the following:

  • Adaptations of ambitious source material into a dramatic work (performance, TV, audio);
  • Non traditional adaptations, such as the adaptation of non-fiction texts;
  • Adaptation of existing dramatic works from one form to another (e.g. a book being turned into a TV show, a play being turned into a musical, etc);
  • Applicants need not be typical generating artists — we want to encourage this particular lab to welcome directors, designers, actors and others, but with the understanding that the generation of adaptation materials will be a focus of the lab.

Applicants must also represent that they have the ability/rights/clearances to undertake their adaptation by the time the lab begins in summer 2022. In your application, you will be asked to let us know about your relationship to the source material you are looking to adapt and the status of that relations (e.g. “this work is in the Public Domain,” “I am in a good faith conversation with X,” or “I’ve secured the rights to Y.”)

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The Orchard Project (OP) is a preeminent artistic development laboratory and accelerator for creators of performance and dramatic stories.

Where to find us

PO Box 237091

New York, NY 10023

646 760 6767 x 101
